Stick Mobility

Stick Mobility is something that you can only find at Kerley’s Fitness. This is the only facility with a registered and certified Stick Mobility instructor in Colorado, so this really is a one-of-a-kind workout. Believe us, you have no idea how difficult a workout can be, especially when the entire workout is completed with different length sticks and your own body weight. When your muscles shake, it means it’s working.

Stick Mobility was adapted from Stick Yoga, and was developed by our good friends; Dennis Dunphy, Mitch Taylor, and Neal Valera. Their slogan “Movement Made Better” is truly the best way to describe this revolutionary workout.

Stick Mobility is basically a full-body workout as it utilizes Sherrington’s Law of Irradiation; basically stating "The more neighboring muscles that you recruit, the stronger you'll become." You’ll recruit muscles that you have forgotten to not only improve overall range of motion, but to become stronger in these new ranges of motion. Stick Mobility is a must try for anyone and everyone, from humans that spend too much time inactive to athletes that want to take their game to the next level.

To learn more about Stick Mobility visit their website or contact us for a session.